The Alps in Austria are home to one of Europe’s top seven wonders. Eisriesenwelt is the name of the largest ice cave in the world, located in the Alps in the middle of the winding path of the Hochkogel Mountains. It doesn’t matter if it is summer or winter, it seems that winter seeds are always sown in this cave because the air inside the cave is always cold and its giant ice never melts. This large and icy cave hosts a large number of tourists annually.
After passing the Alpine route by Tele cabin and enjoying the pristine scenery of this area, you will gradually get ready to enter the cave. You enter from the mouth of the cave. The entrance, according to locals, is a door to hell. But the beauty of this cave is so much more than calling it hell. Ice and white landscape are everywhere. Hanging Icicle between us and the ground eighteen meters from the cave is like enchantments that must remain frozen and lifeless forever. Crossing wooden paths and watching giant ice in the dark creates a sense of illusion and fear.
In winter the weather is cold and the cave is covered with ice. But in the summer, how can the ice of the cave still remain frozen? In summer, the mountain snow melts and the melted snow penetrates the cave through a crack in the limestone, but since the temperature inside the cave is lower than outside, this temperature difference leads to the snow freezes immediately. In the same way, this phenomenon is repeated and frozen ice accumulates on top of each other, and these amazing landscapes appear and this is why the Eisriesenwelt is covered in ice all year round. There are two main halls in Eisriesenwelt Cave, each with its own name.
1) Poselt
This hall is the first and closest stop in the cave. Its distinctive feature is the presence of giant arches of stalagmite rocks.
2) Marvel
This hall is the place of the biggest ice masses of the cave and can definitely be one of the most attractive parts of the cave.
Eisriesenwelt Cave is 42 km long but only one kilometer from the beginning of the cave is covered with ice and the continuation of the path is limestone. The cave is a destination for 200,000 tourists every year, who are only allowed to visit the first kilometer of the cave. It is interesting to know that the Eisriesenwelt cave was formed over a hundred million years but the beautiful ice of the cave dates back to a thousand years ago.
Oedl House Restaurant: A large terrace overlooking the pristine Alps can be a great option for a lunch near the Eisriesenwelt Cave. This restaurant can accommodate up to 120 people, but it is better to book a place in advance.
The cave was first discovered by Mr. Posselt in 1879. Of course, the locals were aware of the existence of this cave, but due to a series of superstitions, they refused to enter it because they believed that the entrance to the cave was a door to hell. Posslet had discovered about two hundred meters of the cave. Alexander von Mork was the second to discover new spaces in the cave following the discovery of Posslet but “Alexander” was killed in World War I in 1914, and since he was one of the cave explorers, his ashes are placed in a jar on one of the cave niches.
The first access route to the cave was built in 1920, and since a large number of tourists came to visit the cave, in 1955 the first access route to the cave by tele cabin was also built. It Reduced the time of reaching the cave from 90 minutes to 3 minutes.
In summer, be sure to bring warm clothes because the temperature inside the cave is below zero. Wear appropriate walking shoes in the snow. You must be in good physical condition to visit the cave. Do not take videos or photos because it is forbidden. Do not speak loudly.
From Salzburg Airport, 20 minutes from the city center, take a car or bus to the cave. The cave is located in a village called Werfen, 40 km from Salzburg. The best time to visit is May.