Osoyoos is a beautiful city in the province of British Columbia in Canada, known for its hot summers, magnificent lakes, unique desert wildlife and exciting recreation. There is a desert here called Nk’Mip, which is the only real desert environment in Canada. Apart from this desert, there is another unique natural attraction that attracts many tourists to this area, an attraction known as the Spotted Lake! This mineral lake is located northwest of Osoyoos, east of the Similkamin Valley. This fascinating lake has many yellow circles in its heart and looks like a dotted shirt. It is also not very big and is only the size of 5 football fields, which is about half a mile long. Spotted Lake is located in the protected areas of southern Okanagan and to see it you have to go to Highway 3 up to 10 km to the west, but if you are in Vancouver, the distance to this lake is about 4.5 hours.
The lake is heavily concentrated in minerals such as magnesium sulfate, calcium and sodium sulfate, and there are eight or more other minerals in lower doses, such as silver and titanium. It is interesting that this lake is like other normal lakes in winter and spring months, but as soon as most of the lake water evaporates in summer, all these strange spots can be found. Depending on the composition of these minerals, these spots may be white, yellow, green or blue. These spots are mostly composed of magnesium sulfate and become a place for walking in the summer heat.
During World War I, the lake’s minerals were mined for uses such as ammunition. Chinese workers are said to have been able to remove one ton of salt a day and send it to factories in eastern Canada. It is said that before the looting of these minerals, the lake was both more beautiful and had more varied colors. This is the most magical place in Canada, so it is not surprising that this beautiful and unique lake has many tourists and is one of the attractions that every traveler in the city of Osoyoos visits.
Locals in British Columbia call this lake Kliluk. This lake is both sacred to them and has a great cultural value, and in their opinion, in recent years, this lake has been abused a lot commercially, and this issue has caused a lot of controversy. The healing properties of the lake’s water have been proven for a thousand years, and the natives of this region use the combination of the lake water with flowers to treat their pain and diseases. There is a story that once in the past, a war broke out between two indigenous tribes in this area and the two tribes agreed to a ceasefire so that they could heal the wounds they sustained during the war. In the city of Osoyoos, Spotted Lake is considered a sacred lake whose water has healing properties. In the past, many tribes used the water of these pits to treat their skin diseases in the water of this lake. Even for diseases that in the past, there was no way to cure, they came to the spotted lake of Canada. According to them, each circle formed on the water has special medicinal substances and is suitable for treating various diseases. In the past, after tribal wars, the people of the Okanagan tribe used to come to this lake to heal their wounds and they sat in the water of this lake for hours.
Spotted Lake of Canada has been owned by the Ernest Smith family for 40 years, and in 1979 the Smiths tried to find a hot spring on the river. People tried to buy this lake from them to keep it as a sacred place. After 20 years of fruitless efforts to buy the lake from the Smiths, in late October 2001 they made a deal and bought 22 acres of land in the area for $ 720,000. With this purchase, the indigenous people were relieved that the area around this lake, with its great historical importance, will be spared from growth and development, and that future generations can use this lake like their ancestors, and future tourists can also use this phenomenon. Watch the incredible natural. Some scientists have tried to better understand the ancient lakes on the surface of Mars by studying the empty lake.
Today, fences have been erected around Canada’s Spotted Lake to keep people away from it, and to explain this, a sign has been put next to the fences, identifying the area as ecologically and culturally sensitive. From the highway No. 3 itself, a beautiful view of the lake is clear and all its spotted patterns are well visible. If these fences did not exist around it, you could walk in the dry parts of these circles, so to protect the lake, a fence has been built around it, but even from a distance, you can have a very good view of this funny lake.